Craft & Chatter
2nd & 4th Tuesdays in the month: 2.00 - 4.00 pm in the Coffee Lounge.
Join us in some charity knitting or crochet projects, or bring your own work-in-progress. Patterns and yarns can be provided. Any level welcome. Refreshments served. Proceeds go to our Charity of the Month.
Please contact Emma for more details.

Cuppa, Cake and Chat
This group runs on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of the month from 2-4 pm the Coffee Lounge.
Join us for a chat and refreshments and we also have games and jigsaws on offer, if anyone would like to have a go at those.

Reading Group
The Reading Group meets the 1st Sunday evening in the month at 8pm. We meet in members houses and take it in turn to choose a book and host the meeting, but you only have to host and choose a book once a year.
We start the evening with a drink and have coffee, tea and cake at the end. The discussions are very relaxed, plenty of laughter and we read a variety of books. The group is about half and half men/women.
You are welcome to join one evening to 'test the waters' even if you haven't read the book!
Enquiries: Mrs Pat Bourne via the Church Office

Our choir meets informally and welcomes anyone who enjoys singing. Please contact us if you are interested in singing with the Sunday Singers who contribute to our Sunday Worship.

Music Group
We have an ad-hoc music group which comes together to play for more contemporary music and special services. All musicians welcome to join us - just have a word with Joan, Gwyn or Avril.