Our weekly Sunday service is at 10.30am and lasts for about an hour. After worshipping for a short time as a church family our children and young people normally have their own activities. Once a month the morning service is a Communion Service.
We have a mixture of services which include all of the Church family. There is a Parade service once a quarter with our Uniformed Organisations and in addition to All Age Services which aim to have something for everyone, we have SKclub family services from 4-6pm every other month.
We have an early morning Contemplative Communion Service at 9am on the first Sunday of the month. [Restarting in June, owing to sabbatical]
We hold special services and celebrations at Easter and Christmas including a Gift Service and a Christingle service which is a great way for all the family to start Christmas.
We hold a variety of occasional evening services - usually more meditative (such as Mindful Church).
You can get week by week details of our services (and other activities) in our Calendar. And find information for families in our families pages.