A friendly church right at the centre of the town
We not only meet for worship on Sunday
but are active in the week supporting the local community.
We would love to welcome you to our church and invite you to see what is going on.

Our 10.30 am service is available via Livestream. All of our Upcoming & Past Livestreams are all available to watch via this link WMC YouTube Channel
Our saved online worship videos, made during the Covid era, are ideal for a 20 min reflection time any day of the week. Our library of online videos include services from 29 March 2020 through to 5 September 2021 and provides an interesting archive of the challenging Covid era. These can also be accessed via our WMC YouTube Channel

For dates, times and joining details of group sessions please see our weekly Calendar. If you would like any information about these or any other aspect of the church family work please contact Emma, our Family & Outreach Worker email emma.

In times of distress and trouble, Jesus said to his disciples, 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.... do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid.'
Dear Lord, enfold us with your love, fill us with your peace, free us from all fear, and grant us the strength that we need for each day. Amen.
Please do contact us if you would like our prayer group to pray for you.
Every blessing
Wilmslow Methodist Leadership Team